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Ca Calcium - Sputtering Target

The metal has a silvery color, is rather hard, and is prepared by electrolysis of fused chloride and calcium fluoride (to lower the melting point). Chemically it is one of the alkaline earth elements; it readily forms a white coating of nitride in air, reacts with water, burns with a yellow-red flame.

Melting point: 842 °C Boiling point: 1484 °C

A sputtering target is essentially a disc made from a high-purity material, specifically designed to serve as an atomic sputtering source during ion beam bombardment processes. These sputter targets play a crucial role in various applications, including thin film deposition and materials science research. If you find that the size or purity of the sputtering target you need is not included in our current listings, please do not hesitate to reach out to us for assistance. We are here to help!

Sputtering Target Sputtering Target

Calcium - Sputtering Target - Ihre Produktauswahl

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